Midlife on Fire
This podcast is to gather stories of women in midlife. We will talk about our lives and the insights, lessons and experiences we've had so far in midlife. There are lessons in every story. Through stories we can connect and resonate with others experiences and take in the lessons and know that we are not alone. This podcast is an extension of the anthology series MIDLIFE ON FIRE: Risky Business. Real Stories. Women Writers. Also known as the anthology series "Midlife on Fire."
Midlife on Fire
Midlife. Body Health Mindset.
As a woman in post menopause, I recognize the importance to know our own body more so now, and to research the heck out of fitness, health, and well-being for menopausal women. We are so fortunate to be in midlife more than ever because of the research - which is a long time coming, that is being done on the effects of hormone loss on our bodies. One of the reasons why, and an important distinction that we are making any headway in understanding the effects is because there are more WOMEN and particularly, women in MIDLIFE - you go gurl! in professions that matter to our health: fitness, medicine, medical research. THESE are the pioneers of menopausal health. Seek them out and educate yourself. These women know what we're going through and are the EXPERTS in the field.
A RAW and OFF-THE-CUFF episode about the joy of knowing.
This is the FB page of the woman I talk about in the episode: https://www.facebook.com/drmaryclaire/reels/ *no I have not tried her diet.
Midlife on Fire is an anthology book series and a podcast and exists to continue the discussion about what we, as women, encounter in midlife. Promoting, amplifying, supporting women in midlife.
The anthology and the podcast showcase stories from women who experience this potentially tumultuous part of their lives as a reordering, maybe a reckoning, and always as a rebirth as vital voices in the dialogue of life, love and art.
I want to find women for guests on my podcast who have stories to tell about how they are defying our societies demands on women in midlife. Demands to disappear, to go quietly, to accept their place that is no place. Women who defy the antiquated notion that as women age they become less useful, less valuable, and the only power we ever had was our youth. Women coming out into the light and do it in their own way, carving out space for themselves that not redefine them, but rather find the manifestation of the real essence of the human buried beneath the expectations of society.
If you'd like to get in touch, be a guest and/or submit a story to be read by me (you can be anonymous) on "air" (recorded) in a segment called 'Midlife at Midnight', please go to: https://www.restlessspiritproductions.com/mofpodcaststories, and click on the link on the page and fill out the form.
Midlife on Fire theme song by Alexa Borden.
Midlife on Fire theme song by Alexa Borden.