Midlife on Fire

It's been a minute...

CK Season 2 Episode 1

I'm back.


Came back to say hi and to talk about what's been on my mind - like the Midlife on Fire Anthology. It's raw and off-the-cuff as usual. 

This podcast might turn into just me talking about things that come up for me, sometimes about what's going on in the world. I will always mention yoga, meditation and my therapy/writer's therapist goals and what I think can help fellow writers along their path to self-discovery and self-awareness. 

Midlife on Fire is an anthology book series and a podcast and exists to continue the discussion about what we, as women, encounter in midlife. Promoting, amplifying, supporting women in midlife. 

The anthology and the podcast showcase stories from women who experience this potentially tumultuous part of their lives as a reordering, maybe a reckoning, and always as a rebirth as vital voices in the dialogue of life, love and art. That was season 1.

I want season 2 to be different. I think anyone who is in midlife can come and tell a story - any story, if you wish. Get in touch with me at: restlessspiritprodns@gmail.com



 ~ CK

Warning - I use the word 'fuck' a few times. 

Midlife on Fire theme song by Alexa Borden.

Midlife on Fire theme song by Alexa Borden.